Exploring The Most Successful Niches For Australian Affiliates

Thinking about getting into affiliate marketing? It’s a great way to earn some extra money and could even grow into something more. Choosing the right niche is vital. On the one hand, it is important to work in a niche with which you are familiar and where you have a genuine interest. If you’re just going through the motions, it shows, and it’s as boring for you as it is for your dwindling number of visitors.

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On the other hand, you need to exercise a little pragmatism. Go too “niche” and you will struggle to generate any traffic at all, so you need to be aware of what’s trending and try to ride upon the wings of popular opinion, at least to a certain extent.

Duly caveated, then, let’s take a look at five affiliate marketing niches for the Australian market that have consistently proven themselves to have great potential.

Fashion is always changing

It’s a good idea to avoid getting into a niche that is too limiting. Fashion gives you lots of flexibility, as you can look at shoes one week and make up the next. Also, fashions literally change with the seasons, so you will never be short of something to talk or blog about. There are some tasty affiliate relationships out there to be discovered. Global brands like Net a Porter, ShopStyle and Nordstrom are said to look after their affiliates with love and, more to the point, substantial commission rates.

The main downside to fashion is it is probably the busiest and most common niche for affiliate marketers. That means it is massively competitive, so you’ll need to bring your A-game and have something about you that makes you stand out. Focusing on Australian brands like Darling Diva could be a winning strategy to get a foothold, even if the rewards are more modest.

Wellness – the evergreen niche

Australians have always been a little obsessed with being healthy, so this niche is as evergreen as they come. Today’s millennial and Gen-Z audiences are increasingly interested in the “why” of wellness, not just the “what” – this means there are great opportunities for knowledgeable wellness affiliates to build an authoritative brand.

If you’ve got a background in health, nutrition or similar, then this is an ideal route to take – but if you’ve not, then it is not. There are plenty of charlatans out there offering quack advice, and the worst thing you can do is get associated among them, even by accident.So only consider this niche if you have something valuable to convey and the authority to convey it.

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iGaming is getting bigger every year

iGaming is getting bigger every year

The global iGaming market generated almost $60 billion in revenue last year. That is a figure that is increasing at a CAGR approaching 12 percent, and even faster in Australia, where pokies and card games are never out of fashion. The casino affiliate space is potentially lucrative but also highly competitive. Take a look at a site like Casino Aus to see how it is done!You will notice the site is firmly focused on its casino niche, its Australian geographical focus and on delivering useful advice and information such as expert reviews and explanations of bonus schemes. In other words, the sort of information that people actually search for.

Like fashion, iGaming has diverse strands such as casino, sports betting and live poker, so you can choose your specialism. Also like fashion, the market is competitive.

Share your love of travel

Another well-trodden road on the affiliate path, Australians love to travel, both domestically and overseas. The great thing about the travel niche is it feels like there is room for everyone. There are so many different destinations, budgets and types of travel niches such a LGBT, senior, single and so on that you always feel you can carve out your own niche with plenty of room to maneuver without treading on anyone’s toes.

You don’t even have to be travelling all the time to run a successful travel affiliate site. There are plenty of peripheral topics to discuss, from staycations to types of luggage to getting compensated for cancellations. The big online travel brands have some great affiliate programs with commission rates of 30 percent or even more. The downside is that this is a niche that can fluctuate – right now, for example, more are worrying about paying fuel bills than booking expensive vacations.

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Financial advice is needed now more than ever

That leads us neatly onto our fifth topic. People are always looking for financial advice, however well the broader economy is performing, and every shift in it causes ripples. In other words, there is never a shortage of things to write about. Evolving areas like crypto provide new opportunities for those with their fingers on the pulse.

As for downsides – well you need to be careful about what you say, especially if you are also a professional in the market. Anything that can be construed as financial advice is fraught with risk for both giver and receiver. Ensure any tips or suggestions are duly caveated, as bad advice can come back to haunt you.

The post Exploring The Most Successful Niches For Australian Affiliates first appeared on Tycoonstory Media.

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