10 Best Benefits of Using a PERT Chart for Project Planning

What is a PERT chart?

A PERT chart refers to a network diagram representing project tasks. PERT denotes Program Evaluation and Review Technique. The PERT charts assess the time requirement essential to complete a project, calculate the project risk, and analyze task connections. It provides estimates relying on pessimistic, optimistic, and expected timelines. These charts organize and visualize complex projects illustrating each step.

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10 Best Benefits of Using a PERT Chart for Project Planning

1. Promotes coordination in the departments

A PERT chart promotes planning and assures decision-making. It integrates data presentation across departments. The quantitative and qualitative data collection is from different sources, and it helps promote project communication and activities between departments.

2. Each time a new project assumption

The PERT chart manages to project such that there is the assumption of doing a new project each time. There are no earlier historical templates. No templates are into consideration that the time management and completion are probabilistic for each new project. The PERT method optimizes the completion time of a project and does not focus on cost optimization.

Each time a new project assumption

3. Managing uncertainty

The capabilities of the PERT chart are the ability to deal with project uncertainty. It is a method of estimating the time for the activities in detail. Everything is into consideration the hours and minutes to measure the activity completion time. The calculations are subjective assumptions revealing team productivity. It assists project managers to view the timeline of the entire project and take a plunge into showing you various aspects of the account.

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4. Ideal to visualize the project

The diagram or chart of PERT offers a bird’s eye view. It is easy to spot obstacles and potential bottlenecks in the chart. It is simple to identify the roles of the involved parties and to execute on time.

5. Identifies the critical path

The chart knows the critical path and is the main part of this technique and the PERT chart. The critical path is the limited time it requires to complete a project. Thus, the time focus is high and ideal to hit deadlines, while delivering on-time their projects to clients.

6. Permits individual analysis

Doing individual activity analysis is possible with this chart, and you must study each task. It is a must to understand the need for each task and its project timeline. What are the prior tasks that need completion to move to the next project task? If the resources are in place you can know through the chart as it displays clearly and leaves no room for cracks.

7. Allows conducting easy what-if analysis

PERT chart analysis promotes the look at potential scenarios to complete a project. It is due to the emphasis on subcritical and critical paths. Conducting SWOT Analysis or what-if analysis is easy to know any path leading to project completion. This chart enables the creation of milestones that using the chart can identify the obstacles or possible outcomes. It helps to address them before.

Allows conducting easy what-if analysis

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8. Easy analysis of a project

A team member, a project leader, or for that matter, anyone wishing to know about the project can see the chart. It will show the project stage and team productivity at present. It means that project management is easier with the chart, and is perfect with budget and resource allocation.

9. Creates a strong foundation

The PERT chart creates a strong foundation from the initial plan to expected results, you can map the project. It is easy to see and understand the completion stages as all responsibility areas are visible.

10. Benchmarking

With the PERT chart, you enjoy a sense of confidence as you have clarity on the project running and completion time. It allows benchmarking time management and helps identify improvements during the project course.

The post 10 Best Benefits of Using a PERT Chart for Project Planning first appeared on Tycoonstory Media.

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