What Are The Differences And Similarities Between IIOT Vs IOT

You may have heard about IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and IoT (Internet of Things) and want to know their similarities and differences. Knowing the latest Technology Trends does help to implement the right techniques to enhance your business prospects. IoT are connected devices that are considered to be a hot topic among consumers, entrepreneurs and students.

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What are their similarities?

Both are said to share common concept involving cloud computing and smart devices networking. Thus, it develops always-online system to collect data, thereby helping to make well-informed decisions. Household appliances no longer require supervision. Industries also do not require employing workers in thousands to produce those products which machine can create, thus increasing business Return on investment. Valuable time saved can be invested in work, upskilling or family. When industries are concerned, they may redistribute their existing workforce among diverse skill sections to derive additional value for their business.

Tangible similarities to know

1. For both, high-speed, affordable wireless net connection can be termed to be an indispensable resource.

2. Both require investing in cloud computing infrastructure.

3. To ensure intelligent decision-making, they need Machine Learning and Artificial Learning.

4. They use several common I/O devices such as water droplet sensors, temperature sensors, geofencing technology, GPS, beamforming microphones and HD cameras.

5. IoT tools and platforms are desired to create apps or software when applying IoT at homes or factories.

Tangible similarities to know

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1. Scale of Application:

IoT is meant for home-based automation performed on a small scale basis. A few may derive great comfort in a home. On the other hand, IIoT is meant for large scale applications. Moreover, its output is designed to cater to people in millions.

2. Focus segment:

Industrial IoT is said to focus on core industries such as manufacturing, power plants, oil and gas, etc. and affects Supply Chain Management But IoT lays emphasis mainly on consumer offices or homes.

3. Networking and Programming:

Networking systems are desired by IIoT on a large scale. It enables the production manager to supervise factories directly from the company’s headquarters. There have been launched IIoT apps that are designed with remote and real-time programming abilities. For troubleshooting purpose, industries require employing in-house IIoT programmer. Smart home devices mostly need easy programming that is done with mobile app. No complex coding is needed in them. The right Technology Trends should be implemented to derive benefits in business.

4. Sensor usage:

Instruments in thousands are used by IIoT like Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS), pressure sensors, torque sensors, RFID sensors, speed sensors, etc. These are essential effective Supply Chain Management. Basic sensors are used by IoT for detecting water, motion and temperature.

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5. Rugged usage:

It is necessary to design IIoT sensors, instruments and devices that can withstand effortlessly greasy environments, speed and heat. Manufacturers need to makes sure that such devices are capable enough to endure rough usage. Moreover, regular maintenance is needed by network and cloud infrastructure. But smart home devices have not been designed for rough usage. Besides this, they have shorter life cycle when compared to industrial ones.

6. Security protocols:

Robust cyber-security systems are desired by IIoT infrastructure. It includes in-transfer data encryption, SSL encryption, visual server monitoring, at-rest data encryption, biometric login and closed-loop systems. Less overwhelming network security is desired by IoT to prevent data of consumers from entering any public domain. Data privacy until now is considered to be the most vital IoT security issue. Proper understanding and implementation can provide better Return on investment.

Therefore, getting to know about IIOT Vs IOT and their similarities will be crucial to know how it works and what to implement in your business.

The post What Are The Differences And Similarities Between IIOT Vs IOT first appeared on Tycoonstory Media.

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