8 Possible Reasons Why Your Website Has a High Bounce Rate

Your website should say everything that there is to know about your business. That’s why it’s not only important to focus on content, you have to look at aesthetics and functionality as well. So even if you have the best content written, that doesn’t mean that you’re not losing out on traffic. Your visitors could be getting bounced for several reasons, and that can prevent them from wanting to return to your site. To solve the problem, here are 8 of the most common reasons why you might have a high bounce rate on your website.

Related Post: How To Improve Your Website By Reducing Bounce Rates

1. Slow Loading Times

No one wants to stick around on a website that takes too long to load. The Best Web Development Companies ensure that their website loads as quickly as possible, no matter what kind of connection the end user has. Always run page speed tests to ensure that they’re not taking too long.

2. Low-Quality Content

You shouldn’t make your content like clickbait; you can make it catchy to attract clicks, but don’t have poor content behind it. Write good quality content so that your readers have a reason to stay on that page longer.

3. Bad External Links

You might have to perform some website crawling to ensure that any external sites that are linking to your page are using the right links. If the links are bad, then that’s a lot of traffic you’re losing out on.

Bad External Links

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4. No Call-To-Action

If there is no call-to-action at the end of your page, then your reader is going to leave as soon as they get to the end of the article. Don’t be afraid to link to your product or service page, or a link to another related article at the end so that your reader has more reasons to stay on your site.

5. 404 Errors

Error and blank pages are a nightmare and are a great way to lose even your most dedicated readers. Check your pages regularly to ensure that they’re working.

6. Bad Form

If there are web forms involved on your page, then it’s important to keep them as short as possible. If your visitors start viewing your form as a chore, then they’re less likely to fill them out to completion.

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7. Misleading Descriptions

If the advertisement for your page is misleading, then you’re likely to get visitors who don’t want to be on your site. Misleading title tags, meta descriptions, or poor targeting can lead to high bounce rates where visitors aren’t interested in the content you have to offer.

8. Being Mobile-Friendly

Not everyone is at their computer when they’re surfing the web; smartphones have made it easier, but if your website isn’t programmed properly to be viewable on a smartphone, then you’re going to lose traffic fast.

Hopefully, these reasons have given you more to think about when it comes to designing your website, filling it with quality content, and ensuring that it’s working properly. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact your web development company to help you take care of these problems.

The post 8 Possible Reasons Why Your Website Has a High Bounce Rate first appeared on Tycoonstory Media.

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